American Classical Schools of Idaho (ACSI) aims to form future citizens who uphold the ideals of the American Founding through a tuition-free, American classical K-12 education in schools across Idaho.

About ACSI
ACSI is a 501c-3 non-profit organization that exists to support the startup, growth, and flourishing of Hillsdale College K-12 member schools throughout Idaho. These American classical schools are tuition-free public charter schools open to all interested students and families in Idaho.

Our Mission
To train the minds and improve the hearts of students through a classical, content-rich curriculum that emphasizes virtuous living, traditional learning, and civic responsibility.

Our Vision
To form future citizens who uphold the ideals of our country’s founding and promote the continuation of our American experiment through a classical, great-books curriculum designed to engage the student in the highest matters and the deepest questions of truth, justice, virtue, and beauty.
Virtus - Scientia - Felicitas
Classical education is about human formation, and helping – in the American sense – young children grow up to be citizens in a free society.
ACSI Core Elements
School Pledge
I will learn the true, I will do the good, I will love the beautiful.
Virtus, Scientia, Felicitas.
Courage, Courtesy, Honesty, Perseverance Self-Government, Service.
Member Schools
ACSI currently supports three member schools – Treasure Valley Classical Academy, Idaho Novus Classical Academy, North Idaho Classical Academy, and Valor Classical Academy. Each member school provides an American classical education to their students, and is led by principals and their leadership teams. ACSI’s relationship with member schools is informed by the philosophy of federalism, which holds that most decisions are best made at the local level by local school leaders. For more information about member schools or starting a school in your community, email

ACSI partners with the Hillsdale K-12 Program to receive free academic, curricular, and pedagogical support. ACSI schools are generously supported by the J.A. and Kathryn Albertson Family Foundation for school leader fellowships, facility development, and no-fee consultation across a variety of functions. ACSI is also part of the Charter School Growth Fund portfolio.