Community Founding Groups
Community Founding Groups (CFGs) are how school founding efforts are launched. CFGs are comprised of mission-aligned community volunteers who are motivated to bring an American Classical charter school to their community. Typically made up of 6-8 committed individuals from a variety of professional backgrounds (e.g. legal, financial, IT, real estate, local or state government, human resources, education, etc.), these community members form an initial school launch team.
CFGs begin their work during the candidate phase of the new school roadmap and initially focus on the following priorities:
- Forming the Community Founding Group
- Demonstrating local demand
- Exploring facility options
- Exploring local interest in school leadership.
ACSI works directly with CFGs—first to assist their efforts during the candidate phase, and then to move toward the development and launch phases of the new school roadmap.
Often, CFG members go on to serve the school in other ways after the work of the founding group is complete. Prior to school opening, one of the CFG’s members is selected by the ACSI board of directors to represent that school on ACSI’s board. Other members may join the Parent Teacher Community Association (PTCA) or the school’s Mission Support Team (MST).